Global Wine Market Outlook, Beyond Coronavirus 2020

The world of wine is massive. We at VCM tend to highlight just the European wines since that is what backs your fine wine investments, but actually wine is produced on all continents except Antarctica. This means that the wine industry is as big as its geography is wide!
VXC Wine Utility Token Launch

Announcing the launch of VINX 2.0! We at Vinito Capital Management are excited to announce the launch of a new and improved VINX 2.0 coin. Back in March, we released VINX 1.0, a security token offering worth €44M backed by VCM French fine wine and vineyard assets. Since then, we’ve been working on ways to […]
How something that doesn’t even exist yet, is making you richer, like Trump

Here at VCM, we can see the future. It’s bright, ruby colored, with medium acidity, and it smells like crushed violet, black currant, and hints of mint. Surprise, surprise, it’s wine. The grapes haven’t been picked yet, nor the wines blended, but we’re already putting it into our investment portfolios.
Press Release Vinito Capital Management’s Ethereum coin, VINX, now trading on the Bitcratic Exchange

Vinito Capital Management releases VINX, its first fine wine and vineyard backed STO coin
A fine wine and vineyard investment company launches an asset backed Ethereum cryptocurrency token.
ESG Funds Outperform, With Sustainable Responsible Investing

Most of us, even if we have turned off our news notifications to avoid an overload of depressing Coronavirus updates, know that the market has taken a significant downturn in the past 10 weeks.
Press Release Vinito Capital Management’s Ethereum coin, VINX, now trading on the Saturn Network

Vinito Capital Management releases VINX, its first fine wine and vineyard backed STO coin
A fine wine and vineyard investment company launches an asset backed Ethereum cryptocurrency token.
First Quarter VCM Wine Investment Fund Results

US equity markets delivered their worse quarterly performance since the Great Recession of 2008. To put it another way, your portfolio never needed diversification and protection as much as it does right now. Asset classes which have resisted to the COVID-19 are very rare.
5 Wine Books to Get You Through Coronavirus Lockdown

We’ve compiled a list of our favorite wine books, both fiction and nonfiction, to help you pass the time - and maybe even learn something! These books are all available in digital format, meaning you don’t have to leave your house to access them.
VINX COIN STO [Stable-Coin] Backed by France’s Best Wines and Vineyards Just Launched

VINX COIN is currently in talks with a number of exchanges to provide blockchain enthusiasts, cryptocurrency enthusiasts, and investors options when wanting to grab some VINX after Phase 3 of their STO wraps up.
Press Release VINX Coin Launch
![VINX COIN [Stable-Coin] Security Token Offering Now Open to Public](,ret_img,w_1024/ 1024w,,ret_img,w_300/ 300w,,ret_img,w_768/ 768w,,ret_img,w_1200/ 1200w)
Vinito Capital Management releases VINX, its first fine wine and vineyard backed STO coin
A fine wine and vineyard investment company launches an asset backed Ethereum cryptocurrency token.